01/17/2023 Assorted Links
Get Out of Jail Cards, 2 (Marginal Revolution)
New research helps explain why China’s low birth rates are stuck (Economist)
Losing Our Religion and the Fracturing of American Evangelicalism (Public Discourse)
The Discovery of Europe (New York Review of Books)
The Fifth Wave: “Open the Pod Bay Doors, ChatGPT” (Discourse)
What is the Vatican doctrine czar saying about cremation? (Pillar)
Politics and the Prayer Book Revisions of 1785 and 1789 (Ad Fontes)
Special address by Javier Milei, President of Argentina | Davos 2024 | World Economic Forum (YouTube)
Swami Prabhavananda (Wikipedia)
Recovering Classical Legal Constitutionalism: A Critique of Professor Vermeule's New Theory (Notre Dame Law Review)