01/29/2025 - Midweek Links
Political Prudence as Fuzzy Thinking (Ad Fontes)
On Calling and Conversation (Religion & Liberty)
American Fusionism (Acton Line)
Reading Genesis with Marilynne Robinson (Religion & Liberty Online)
No, South Korea Was Not Poorer Than Kenya in 1960 (Global Developments)
Understanding Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century (AIER)
Man is Man. . . (Bradley J. Birzer’s Substack)
Medieval Dignity, Modern Education (Part III) (Then Again)
Withdrawing from the WHO: A Chance to Rethink Global and Domestic Public Health (CATO at Liberty)
A Soulless Center (Law & Liberty)
Why Is Homeowners Insurance Getting So Expensive? (Construction Physics)
Lost Epigraphs: Ch. 2: Roman Catholic Social Thought (Cutting Room Floor)
Markets, Morality, and Civil Society (Modern Age)
AI Improves Student Learning and Engagement (Marginal Revolution)
Birthright Citizenship Is American Citizenship (Civitas Outlook)
DOGEmaxing (Second Best)
The Impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on the Economic Development of the Western United States (CATO Institute)
Bob Dylan’s American Odyssey (Modern Age)
T&T Clark Handbook of Neo-Calvinism, edited by Nathaniel Gray Sutanto and Cory Brock (JRCD)