08/14/2024 Mid-Week Links
Why Postliberalism Failed Ep. 6 - Constitutionalism (YouTube)
Why We Should Care That Tariffs Are Taxes (Law & Liberty)
Potential Truths in Anti-Liberal Ideologies (Acton Line)
Nullification and Ultimate Authority (Law & Liberty)
Free-Market Philosophy Runs Deeper Than You Think (Coolidge Review)
Public Christianity Is as American as Apple Pie (National Review)
The Price of Suffering: William Pynchon and The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption (Public Domain Review)
The Historic Creeds vs. Passing Theological Fads (Religion & Liberty Online)
What's a Parent to Do? (Econlib)
How California Turned Against Growth (Construction Physics)
Polarization to the Walz (Acton Unwind)
Trillion-Dollar Surprise in the Inflation Reduction Act (AIER)
God the Creator and Creation (Religion & Liberty)
New data on marijuana legalization (Marginal Revolution)
The Russian Empire: 1721-1917 (Part I, Part II) (Then Again)
A Revolutionary Education: Reading Men and History (Liberty Fund)
Apocalypse Soon? (Law & Liberty)
The Curious Case of the Christian Reformed Church (Gospel Coalition)
A Revolution Captured on Canvas (Religion & Liberty Online)