08/21/2024 Mid-Week Links
Faith and the Future of Philanthropy (Acton Line)
Into the Reactionary Abyss (Law & Liberty)
Investigating the Chart of the Century (Maximum Progress)
A Catholic Minnesota mom’s view of Tim Walz (America Magazine)
Is capitalism making you lonely? (Inexact Science)
The Supreme Court isn’t broken (World)
In Defense of Price Theory (Economic Forces)
Why Postliberalism Failed Ep. 7 - Catherine Pakaluk (YouTube)
Free Enterprise for the Republic: On Lincoln and Röpke (Religion & Liberty)
Why Does Ozempic Cure All Diseases? (Astral Codex Ten)
American Vulcan (Tablet)
Robert Nisbet for the Present Age (FUSION)
Secularization in the West: Key Factors Behind the Decline in Church Attendance (Anthony B. Bradley)
A Proper Sense of History (Gerald R. Ford Leadership Forum)
The Social Injustice of Social Security (Public Discourse)
European Discontent: Immigration and National Identity (Religion & Liberty Online)
The illusion of moral decline (Nature)
Re-Upping Reform Conservatism (Law & Liberty)
Why Pot Stinks (Acton Unwind)