09/04/2024 Mid-Week Links
John Rawls and the death of Western Marxism (In Due Course)
Our Home Sweet Home? (FUSION)
Invisible Logic: Boy, Do I Have a Conspiracy Theory for You (Religion & Liberty Online)
Julitta Basgall, My Maternal Grandmother (Bradley J. Birzer’s Substack)
Why Postliberalism Failed, Ep. 9: Immigration w/ Daniel Di Martino (YouTube)
The crank realignment is bad for everyone (Slow Boring)
Prohibition is a Kind of Regulation (Causal Fallacy)
Inklings on the Move (Law & Liberty)
Randy E. Barnett: A Principled Commitment to the Truth (Religion & Liberty Online)
Homelessness (Our World in Data)
Toasters and Trade: How Misguided Policies Could Burn the American Dream (Religion & Liberty Online)
In Praise of Reference Books (Discourse)
Perilous Remedies (City Journal)
Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.: Chestertonian Scholar (Religion & Liberty)
The Russian Empire: 1721-1917 (Part VII) (Then Again)
Taxing unrealized capital gains is a terrible idea (Marginal Revolution)
Taxing Unrealized Capital Gains and Interest Rate Policy (Marginal Revolution)
Should we tax realized gains? (Pursuit of Happiness)
To predict the future of work with AI, study the past (Forked Lightening)