12/15/2023 Assorted Links
Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman, The Parable of the Sower (Luke 7:36-8:3)
“They are established in perfect knowledge, who subdue their senses and keep their minds ever absorbed in Me.” (Bhagavad Gita 2.61)
Ideological Denigration of “Mass Society” (Law & Liberty)
The “China Shock” Demystified: Its Origins, Effects, and Lessons for Today (CATO Institute)
Javier Milei and the Promise of a New Argentina (Religion & Liberty Online)
Can you have a healthy democracy without a common set of facts? (Economist)
Cardiovascular Diseases (Our World in Data)
Byrne Hobart, the unlikely oracle (Meridian)
Don’t Ask People How The Economy Is Doing (Economic Forces)
Fermenting revolution (Notes on Progress)