12/16/2023 Assorted Links
A Lamp on a Stand, Jesus’ Mother and Brothers (Luke 8:4-21)
“While contemplating on the objects of the senses, one develops attachment to them. Attachment leads to desire, and from desire arises anger.” (Bhagavad Gita 2.62)
The Style and Substance of Jefferson (Law & Liberty)
More on Pharma Pricing (Marginal Revolution)
Does Vermeule have a Transition Plan? (Liberal Tortoise)
Catholic Scholasticism At The Threshold Of Constitutionalism (Vital Center)
When the New York Times lost its way (Economist)
The Nicene Option: A Review (Ad Fontes)
A Voice for Our Time: Radio Liberty Talks, by Alexander Schmemann (Journal of Religion, Culture & Democracy)
Conservatism: A Rediscovery (Independent Review)